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After new Loeffler disclosures reveal further sell-offs and key purchases ahead of market crash, AJC calls out Loeffler’s lack of evidence in her favor
Senate Majority Leader “declined to respond” when asked if he still supports the appointed Loeffler in November election
ATLANTA — Unelected “political mega-donor” Senator Kelly Loeffler has spent the last two weeks desperately denying any responsibility for her own stock trades and instead pushing them off on to unnamed brokers. Yet, as the AJC notes in a new report today, “Loeffler has provided no proof that financial advisers making stock transactions on her behalf have total control over decision-making.”
Not only will Loeffler not provide any evidence about the level of her control over her own stock trading, but she also refuses to say “how her portfolio is managed and who does that work” and “won’t name her advisers or say what company they work for.” Instead, even as “questions remain” about her scandal, Loeffler insists that Georgia voters trust her without evidence while still refusing to follow Senator Richard Burr’s example and call for a Senate Ethics Committee investigation.
This lack of evidence follows new disclosures this week that showed Loeffler and her husband sold off even more stock before the market tanked, including shares in a travel booking firm, while investing “in a company that makes COVID-19 protective garments” — and after a newly launched probe by the DOJ and the SEC into Senators’ stock trading. Her scandal has become so toxic that fellow Republicans are now calling for her resignation as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refuses to say whether or not he still supports her.
Read the latest from the AJC about Loeffler’s stock sell-off scandal:
AJC: Questions remain about who is handling Kelly Loeffler’s stock transactions