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As her scandals continue to grow, Loeffler resigns from subcommittee following revelations of her “lucrative parting gift” but remains on Ag Committee with oversight of ICE’s regulator
ATLANTA — Last night, news broke that unelected “political mega-donor” Senator Kelly Loeffler was resigning from her position on a subcommittee that has “direct jurisdiction” over ICE’s industry after reports of her “huge payday” from ICE — but Loeffler still apparently has no plans to step down from the main Senate Agriculture Committee, where her assignment already created “a potential conflict of interest” and was “a cause for concern.”
Loeffler’s move is just her latest desperate attempt at damage control and follows her pattern of blaming everything and everyone but herself for her scandals while refusing to take meaningful steps like putting her assets in a blind trust or calling for a Senate Ethics Committee investigation.
Instead, after a New York Times investigation revealed that ICE had “altered the terms” of their compensation for Loeffler in a move one corporate governance expert said should not be considered “on the up-and-up,” she ducked and dodged press all day before resigning from a Senate Agriculture subcommittee — even while still remaining on the larger committee that is “an overseer of the overseers of the company that made her rich.”
“If Senator Kelly Loeffler was serious about preventing conflicts of interest, she would have already left the Senate Agriculture Committee and never taken a spot on that subcommittee in the first place,” said Alex Floyd, spokesman for the Democratic Party of Georgia. “Instead, Loeffler waited until her sweetheart deal with ICE was revealed before making another empty gesture aimed at changing the news cycle, rather than fixing her pattern of ethically dubious behavior.”
Read more about Loeffler’s latest conflict of interest that forced her subcommittee resignation:
February 17, 2025
February 14, 2025
February 14, 2025