Help Move Georgia Forward
Release: Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Democratic Party of Georgia Chair Issues Statement on President Obama’s State of the Union Address
Dublin, GA – Today, Democratic Party of Georgia Chair DuBose Porter issued the following statement regarding President Obama’s State of the Union Address.
“Tonight’s address served as an excellent reminder as to why President Obama was twice chosen by the American people to lead this great country. From day one, his administration has put forth policies that grow the middle class, shrink deficits, fight poverty, and expand opportunity for all Americans. And in his own words, ‘the verdict is clear.’ These policies have worked.
“The GOP has been rooting for President Obama’s failure ever since he took office. And Republicans have been dead-wrong about this administration from the get go. We were told that if President Obama were reelected, unemployment would skyrocket. Yet, the national unemployment rate is at its lowest in six years. We were told the economy would worsen, yet 2014 was the best year for job growth since 1999 and the country has added 11.2 million jobs over the last 58 straight months. We were told we would see gas priced at $6.60 per gallon, yet the average price today is $2.14.
“While Gov. Nathan Deal’s proposed budget robs 11,500 Georgia school workers of much needed health insurance, President Obama has expanded access to health care to millions of Americans and has now called for an extension of sick leave and family leave for families, reducing the hardship that can be caused by a sick child or a newborn.
“For our state’s sake, I pray that Nathan Deal and Georgia’s Republican leaders were listening to America’s President. Georgia Democrats support the President’s accomplishments and agenda. Middle class economics work, expanding opportunity works, and we are all better off when everyone has a fair shot.”