With AG Barr and Ivanka Trump in Atlanta today, here’s a reminder of Trump’s record for Georgia families

September 21, 2020

ATLANTA— As Ivanka Trump and Bill Barr visit Georgia today, the Democratic Party of Georgia released the following statement: 

“Yet another Trump administration visit to Georgia can’t distract from this president’s terrible record, particularly for families who have carried more of the burden as COVID-19 devastates our economy,” said Maggie Chambers, spokesperson for the Democratic Party of Georgia. “Under this president’s failed leadership, women are facing twin crises of a crashing economy and a dangerous pandemic, while their government continues on a crusade to end health care as we know it. Georgia’s families are sick of Donald Trump’s broken promises and will vote him out in November.” 


  • Trump has waged a constant war to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, which would strip nearly 750,000 Georgians of their healthcare during a pandemic that has killed 200,000 Americans and more than 6,600 Georgians.
  • When President Obama handed Trump a thriving economy in January 2017, women’s unemployment stood at just 4.4%. Now, under Trump’s failed leadership, the percent of women who are unemployed has nearly doubled to a staggering 8.6%.
  • Trump’s tax scam raises taxes in the long run for working class Georgians while giving the richest 5% over half of the benefit.
  • While Brian Kemp was busy passing extreme anti-choice legislation that would ban women from abortion procedures before most even know they are pregnant, Trump has continued to stack the courts with radical anti-choice judges.
  • In 2019, Georgia’s maternal mortality rate was more than double the United States’ average. Trump’s plan to demolish the Affordable Care Act would leave more women uninsured and at risk.
  • Trump and the mega-donor he put in charge of the Department of Education, Betsy Devos, enacted radical changes that make it more difficult for survivors of college sexual assault to come forward.


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