SOTS Fact Check: Kemp’s Health Scheme is a Total Failure and He Won’t Fix It

January 16, 2025

Governor Kemp’s State of the State speech made excuses for the fact that the Governor has for years refused to fully expand Medicaid, leaving hundreds of thousands of Georgians without access to basic health care. Just yesterday, Kemp slammed the door on full Medicaid expansion – instead attempting to deflect criticism of his failed “Pathways to Coverage” program with a half measure that will still leave hundreds of thousands of Georgians uninsured.

Kemp’s “Pathways” program has been a resounding failure, having burned nearly $40 million – most of it on consulting and administrative fees – to cover fewer than 6,000 people a year and a half after its launch. But Kemp refuses to join Democrats and fellow Republicans in considering full Medicaid expansion, instead doubling down on Pathways’ burdensome work requirements and, once again, refusing to cover all of the Georgians who could be eligible under full expansion.

“Governor Kemp clearly recognizes ‘Pathways’ is a total flop, and leaving thousands of Georgians without coverage who would receive it if he simply agreed to full Medicaid expansion is unacceptable,” said Democratic Party of Georgia spokesman Dave Hoffman. “Georgians are sick – literally – of Governor Kemp’s half measures that fail to improve health care in our state.”


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