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For years, Governor Brian Kemp and his allies have boasted that he stood up to Donald Trump’s attempts steal the 2020 election, but now he is quietly abetting efforts by Trump’s allies on the State Election Board to lay the groundwork for Trump to deny Georgia’s 2024 election results, sow chaos, and fraudulently claim victory should he lose.
“For all his posturing about standing up to Trump’s election sabotage in 2020, Kemp is now giving him a pass to do exactly the same thing in 2024 via his ‘pitbulls’ on the State Election Board,” said DPG Executive Director Tolulope Kevin Olasanoye. “By allowing the MAGA majority on the board to change the rules to benefit Trump, the Governor is saying loud and clear that he’d rather protect Donald Trump than the will of Georgia voters.”
A new op-ed in Bloomberg points out that Governor Kemp has the power to remove three Trump-aligned members of the State Board of Elections who have passed last-minute, likely illegal election rules designed to help Trump, but is choosing to allow them to wreak havoc instead.
Last month, three right-wing members of the Georgia State Election Board – whom Donald Trump previously championed as his “pitbulls” for “victory” at an August rally – approved an 11th-hour rule change requiring a hand count of all ballots on election night, which election officials say could delay results, raise the risk of disruptions and human errors, and undermine confidence in the election. Republican Attorney General Chris Carr has indicated that the new rules are likely illegal. The pitbulls’ latest rule change comes after the same three members rammed through a rule giving themselves a new superpower to refuse to certify the election if they don’t like the results.
Kemp is now going out of his way to protect the SEB MAGA majority from accountability. Leaders in the state legislature have filed an ethics complaint against the board members who are attempting to subvert democracy, which Governor Kemp is ignoring – despite the fact that Georgia state law requires the Governor to hear formal ethics complaints and remove elected officials who are found to have committed violations.
Read excerpts from the opinion piece from Bloomberg below:
Bloomberg Opinion: Brian Kemp Has Failed Georgia Voters
Mary Ellen Klas, September 27, 2024
Key Points:
February 11, 2025
February 11, 2025
February 10, 2025