Georgians need to know if our leaders support Trump’s tax hikes

February 3, 2025

Question for Georgia Republicans: Do you support Trump’s tariffs and increased costs for Georgians?

As Georgians brace for the Trump taxes he calls tariffs to go into effect tomorrow against Georgia’s largest importer (Canada) and exporter (China), Georgia’s congressional delegation needs to tell us if they support Georgians paying hundreds of dollars more each year for everyday goods.

“Trump’s unilateral taxes he calls tariffs will be paid by Georgia consumers, not foreign governments,” said DPG spokesperson Dave Hoffman. “Georgians need to know if our elected leaders are willing to force Georgians to pay higher costs for groceries, gas, and everything in between, or if they will put Georgians first.” 

Here’s a look at how the Trump Tariffs will raise costs for Georgians: 


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