Carr passes on defending Georgians’ constitutional rights from Trump, but did manage to sue Biden one last time over the weekend

January 21, 2025

Adding to a long history of seeking only politically motivated justice, today Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr declined to join dozens of states and municipalities suing the Trump Administration for his extreme and unconstitutional attempt to rip away birthright citizenship, long protected by the 14th Amendment to the Constitution ratified in 1868.

Carr, a gubernatorial hopeful, did manage to seek some final political points by suing the outgoing Biden Administration on Saturday in order to bring offshore oil drilling to Coastal Georgia (which residents don’t want). 

“As Attorney General Chris Carr’s long list of politically expedient investigations grows longer, he’s nowhere to be found when it comes to standing up to executive overreach and protecting the constitutional rights of Georgians,” said DPG spokesperson Dave Hoffman. “Chris Carr isn’t willing to fight for Georgians, and that’s why he’d be a terrible governor.”

Refresher on the rest of Chris Carr’s failed record as Attorney General:

  • Ripping away reproductive freedom: As Attorney General, Chris Carr has led the charge to strip away Georgians’ reproductive freedom, doubling down on Georgia’s extreme ban at every opportunity.
    • When Roe v. Wade was overturned, Carr rushed to ask the court to instate the dangerous six-week abortion ban that cost Amber Thurman and Candi Miller their lives.
    • When a judge overturned the ban last year – and in the wake of reporting on Amber Thurman and Candi Miller’s deaths due to the law – Carr immediately doubled down and asked the Georgia Supreme Court to reinstate it, claiming Georgia women have “no constitutional right to an elective abortion.”
    • In 2022, Carr admitted that the abortion ban’s enforcement “explicitly targets doctors.”
  • Gutting health care: Chris Carr sued to gut the Affordable Care Act and rip away protections for people with pre-existing conditions.
  • Wasting taxpayer money: Carr wasted Georgians’ tax dollars suing the Biden Administration to defend Gov. Brian Kemp’s “dismal,”  “not promising,” “too costly, too limited” health care plan – which has itself cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars while covering fewer than 5,000 Georgians since its rollout over a year ago.
  • Corruption: Carr refuses to investigate Governor Brian Kemp’s administration after an audit revealed the administration “sidestepped the law” when it rushed to approve a billion-dollar contract to distribute cash assistance cards (with Kemp’s face on them) to 3 million Georgians right before the 2022 election.
  • Corruption: A 2022 AJC investigation revealed that Chris Carr accepted thousands of dollars in campaign cash from an out–of-state health insurance giant that was forced to pay $485 million in legal settlements to 13 states and was accused of defrauding the State of Georgia of millions of dollars.
  • Failed leadership: Under Carr and Republicans’ failed leadership, Georgia’s homicide rate is in the top 10 states in the country.


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